Sadhguru Quotes About Life

1. Whatever you do, it’s the way you do it that transforms you.

Sadhguru Quotes


2.Everything is spiritual if you are aware. Everything is material if you are not aware.

Sadhguru Quotes


3.Transformation is when who you are is not determined by other people’s opinions or other people presence.

Sadhguru Quotes


4.The quality of human life will only truly change when we change within ourselves.

Sadhguru Quotes


5.A joyful face is always a beautiful face.

Sadhguru Quotes


6.Idiots do things they don’t like. Intelligent ones do what they love. Geniuses learn to do what is needed joyfully.

Sadhguru Quotes


7.Make yourself in such a way that you are always part of the solution, not the problem.

Sadhguru Quotes


8.If you want to know weather you are moving forward in life, just see if you are a little more joyful than you were yesterday.

Sadhguru Quotes


9.For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure- just lessons to be learnt on the way.

Sadhguru Quotes


10.There is a lot more to life than your thoughts and emotions. Time to move from psychological space to life space.

Sadhguru Quotes


11.Once you let your past decide how you experience the present, you have destroyed your future.

Sadhguru Quotes


12.Transformation happens only by embracing life.


13.We all have the potential to live in blissfulness and inner wellbeing – if only we create right kind of climate within ourselves.

Sadhguru Quotes


14.If you do not do what you cannot do, that’s not a problem. but if you do not do what you can do, you are a tragedy.

Sadhguru Quotes


15.Do not think about enlightenment – look at your limitations and how to go beyond them. That’s the way to progress.

Sadhguru Quotes


16.Only those who work intensely will know the profoundness of restfulness.

Sadhguru Quotes


17.Do not try to be best, just give your best.

Sadhguru Quotes


18.Its time to shed the burdens of past year and come up fresh and live.

Sadhguru Quotes


19.You must build yourself in such a way that when opportunities open up in your life, your body and mind won’t hold you back.

Sadhguru Quotes


20.You as the life are the greatest phenomenon.


21.It is all right if the world thinks you are weird. Everyone is different, so everyone is weird in someone’s eyes. Happily weird or miserably weird -your choice.

Sadhguru Quotes


22.If you are full of life, you naturally choose something difficult and dangerous. If you have not much life in you, you only choose comfort.

Sadhguru Quotes


23.If you are joyful by your own nature, you will do the best, and that is all that matters.

Sadhguru Quotes

24.You must live strong. Strong not in terms of how much you can push something or someone, but strong within yourself.

Sadhguru Quotes


25.Only the human is a being, which means you have the capacity to be the way you want to be.

Sadhguru Quotes


26.If your happiness depends upon what is happening outside of you, you are slave to the external situation.

Sadhguru Quotes


27.No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind and emotions that makes it stressful.

Sadhguru Quotes


28.Instead of working up your desires, you enhance your capabilities, you will walk through this life effortlessly, gracefully, doing very well.

Sadhguru Quotes


29.With every single action we perform, with every thought and emotion we generate, we can create a better situation around us.

Sadhguru Quotes


30.If you realise your life is 100%  your responsibility, there is no room for being resentful towards anyone.

Sadhguru Quotes

know more about Sadhguru. 

31.A rat race is for rats. As a human being, you can consciously create what you want, without being driven by social compulsions.

Sadhguru Quotes


32.You do not have to prove anything to anyone. It is wonderful to be alive, to be who you are, and to grow. Ultimately, that’s all that matters.

Sadhguru Quotes


33.It is the ability to bring out the best in others that makes you a leader.

Sadhguru Quotes


34.Only if you are in touch with the innermost core of who you are, will you live a complete life.

Sadhguru Quotes


35.Loosen up a bit – laugh more, get involved with people around you, do simple things. If you only do very important things, you will become dead serious.

Sadhguru Quotes


36.Don’t let your past rule you. Be an absolutely fresh life.

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37.Do you want to look good or feel good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is most important.

Sadhguru Quotes


38.When unpleasant things happen in our lives, we can become either wise or wounded – that is our choice.

Sadhguru Quotes


39.You don’t have to fight for transformation. Something as gentle as a flower can bring fragrance to the atmosphere.

Sadhguru Quotes


40.You don’t have to be better than everyone else, but you have to be at your best.

Sadhguru Quotes

100 best motivational quotes to inspire you at each phase of life in 2020.

41.You should have freedom within you: ‘even if I go to hell, I will live well.’

Sadhguru Quotes

42.The most important thing in life is balance. If there is no balance, your own body and mind will work against you.

Sadhguru Quotes


43.You cannot fight darkness. You have to light up, and darkness will disappear.

Sadhguru Quotes


44.If you shift from unwillingness to willingness, from inertia to effervescence, your life will be joyful and effortless.

Sadhguru Quotes


45.There is no need to do what others are doing. You must do what truly matters to you.

Sadhguru Quotes

46.If you are constantly facing new situations, it means you are living a life of growth and great possibilities.

Sadhguru Quotes


47.To be able to sit still, working only on your body is not enough. You also have to settle your mind, emotions and energy.

Sadhguru Quotes


48.For your innate qualities and possibilities to find expression, it needs a highway of willingness, not the cage of unwillingness.

Sadhguru Quotes


49.Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only of the mind.

Sadhguru Quotes


50.The quality of your life does not depend on your clothes, car, or home, but on how peaceful and joyful you are.

Sadhguru Quotes


66 best motivational sports quotes of all time from the world’s top athletes for an extraordinary life in 2020.


51.Following a role model means trying to be something other than who you are. In this effort, your natural qualities will be lost.

Sadhguru Quotes


52.When you function in the world without being concerned about what is happening to life around you, you are a Criminal.

Sadhguru Quotes


53.When there is no envy, jealousy, and comparison within you, you can focus your full capabilities on doing what is needed.


54.As the very source of creation is within you, all solutions are within you too.

Sadhguru Quotes


55.You can never get everyone’s approval for what you want to do. So don’t worry about it.

Sadhguru Quotes


56.Once you are clear about what you are doing and why, other people’s will not matter.

Sadhguru Quotes


57.If you dissolve your personality, your presence becomes very powerful.

Sadhguru Quotes


58.Simply making an effort does not get you anywhere. It has to be the right kind of action, timing, and place.

Sadhguru Quotes


59.When you come into this world, you have nothing but life in you. What you make out of it is up to you.

Sadhguru Quotes


60.Whatever the shape of your eyes or nose – a joyful face is always a beautiful face. Become joy -become beautiful.

Sadhguru Quotes


61.If you stop your mental muddle, life is bliss.

Sadhguru Quotes


62.The more you identify with your mind, the further away you are from yourself.

Sadhguru Quotes


63.If you compulsively react, external situations determine how you are right now. If you consciously respond, your wellbeing is very much in your hands.

Sadhguru Quotes


64.It doesn’t take any great intellect or qualification to create something wonderful, just absolute devotion towards what you wish to do.

Sadhguru Quotes


65.Who you are is your making. Once you understand this, at least you must make yourself to your own liking.

Sadhguru Quotes


66.If you want to receive, you have to give. This is not marketplace rule. This is the way of life.

Sadhguru Quotes


67.You cannot control what the world throws at you. But what you make out of it is one hundred percent yours.

Sadhguru Quotes


68.If you really looking for truth, don’t assume anything – just seek.

Sadhguru Quotes


69.When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.

Sadhguru Quotes


70.How you are in this moment, both mentally and emotionally, manifests in every action that you perform.

Sadhguru Quotes


71.If you experientially know that you are not the body and not the mind, there is no possibility of suffering for you.

Sadhguru Quotes


72.Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other people become important.

Sadhguru Quotes


73.Your body should feel like breeze. Only then are you really healthy.

Sadhguru Quotes


74.How you handle a situation is not entirely your choice. But how you handle yourself is entirely yours.

Sadhguru Quotes


75.Whatever you do, do it in style. But not necessarily in one particular style.

Sadhguru Quotes


76.Do not wait for problems to overwhelm you. Take action before problem come. Pre-emption is the path to safety and success.

Sadhguru Quotes


77.Your anger is your problem, keep it to yourself.

Sadhguru Quotes


78.The most important thing is you are alive right now. If you wake up in the morning, will you give yourself one big smile?

Sadhguru Quotes


79.There are no problems, only situations. Its in ho you approach them.

Sadhguru Quotes


80.When you are in great hurry to do something, just hold back a few seconds – that’s all it takes to shift from compulsiveness to consciousness.

Sadhguru Quotes


81.Once your mind becomes absolutely still, your intelligence transcends human limitations.

Sadhguru Quotes


82.Looking at everything as an infant does – absorbing everything, not judging anything, not labelling anyone.

Sadhguru Quotes


83.If you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind and emotion, your health, wellbeing and joy -everything will be taken care of. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)Sadhguru Quotes


84.No one has perfect body or perfect mind. In that sense, all of us are disabled in some way. But beyond the physiological and psychological dimensions, all life is just the same. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


85.What is possible and what is not is not your business. Nature will decide this. Your business is just to work for what truly matters to you. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes About Life


86.When there is not envy, jealousy, and compassion within you, you can focus your full capabilities on doing what is needed. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes

87.The mind is powerful instrument. Every thought, every emotion that you create changes very chemistry of your body. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes About Life


88.The significance of being born human is that you have the potential to become limitless. It is up to you to live your godliness. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes About Life


89.How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility, and joyfulness. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes, Sadhguru Quotes About Life


90.Opinions are like cataracts. They will not allow you to see clearly. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


91.If your idea of success is just about being ahead of others, you will definitely not explore the full potential of who you are. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


92.Always see what best you can do for everyone around you. It is this sense of offering that will make you shine.



93.One who constantly makes U-turns obviously does not want to go anywhere. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


94.Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist.

Sadhguru Quotes


95.What you do should not define who you are. Who you are should define what you do. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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96.Allow your genius to blossom. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


97.Let is create an absolutely selfish world. That means what I want for myself, I want for everyone in the world.

Sadhguru Quotes


98.When you get the angles right within and without there shall be light.

Sadhguru Quotes


99.Excellence is not about being better than someone else. Excellence means to function with utmost ease and at your best.

Sadhguru Quotes


100.Compassion is not condescending kindness. It is passionate engagement with everything around you.

Sadhguru Quotes


101.Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone.

Sadhguru Quotes


102.To be in fear, you have to imagine things that have not happened. To not in fear, you don’t have to do anything.

Sadhguru Quotes


103.The less rigid your personality, the more powerful your presence.

Sadhguru Quotes


104.How effective you are in life is essentially determined by level of clarity and balance.

Sadhguru Quotes


105.Human beings who do not break their self-created boundaries will remain trapped in them.

Sadhguru Quotes

106.Being in truth means simply being yourself. Don’t try to be someone else.

Sadhguru Quotes


107.Do not try to be special. If you are simply ordinary, more ordinary than others, you will become extraordinary.

Sadhguru Quotes


108.If you are not willing to be vulnerable, you are not willing to transform. Whatever does not transform is as good as dead.

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109.What your consciousness is intensely focused on is what will manifest in your life and in the world around you.

Sadhguru Quotes


110.Do not settle for a limited experience of life. Where there is limitation, there is possibility of breaking it.

Sadhguru Quotes


111.If you learn to laugh at your stupidity, all your crap will turn into manure very fast. And manure is good for growth.

Sadhguru Quotes


112.Weather you experience stress, anger, fear, or any other kind of negativity, there is only on basic cause – being ignorant if your inner nature.

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113.There is so much of life which can never be explained – it can only be experienced.

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114.If you take one hundred percent responsibility for the way you are now, a brighter tomorrow is a definite possibility.

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115.No two individuals are ever the same. You cannot equate people. You can only create equal opportunity.

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116.The simplest way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions is unwavering commitment towards something.

Sadhguru Quotes


117.What you think of yourself and what the world thinks of you is only socially relevant. It has no existential relevance.

Sadhguru Quotes


118.How willingly we go though whatever situations we face decides the quality of our experience and the quality of out life.

Sadhguru Quotes119.Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering to do what they would not have imagined possible.

Sadhguru Quotes


120.Pure perception means clarity. Perception laced with imagination means confusion.

Sadhguru Quotes


121.I have never done any action for satisfaction. Everything I have done is an expression of my blissfulness and my love for what is around me.

Sadhguru Quotes


122.Life knows no failure. Failure exists only for those who are comparing themselves with others.

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123.Call it guilt, fear, anger or hatred -essentially, it means your thoughts and emotions are working against you.

Sadhguru Quotes



124.When you absolutely throw yourself into your activity, your energy will only grow.

Sadhguru Quotes


125.If your energy body is in full vibrancy, the physical body will naturally fix itself.

Sadhguru Quotes


126.Only those who keep the garbage of their minds aside are truly capable of love and compassion.

Sadhguru Quotes


127.When you live for everyone, everyone takes care of you.

Sadhguru Quotes

128.One you are trapped in your mental framework, there’s no space to experience life in its full glory.

Sadhguru Quotes


129.Destiny is not a fixed thing, its something that you create.

Sadhguru Quotes


130.If you want inspiration, read book. But if you really want to walk the spiritual path, the only way is to turn inward.

Sadhguru Quotes


131.If your relaxation is not of good quality, your work will not be of good quality.

Sadhguru Quotes

132.Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.

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133.No matter how many books you have read, how much knowledge you have gathered -compare to creation, it is too limited. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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134.Once you have the access to the source of creation within you, your health and wellbeing will blossom from within. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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135.There is no such thing as having achieved your fullest potential. As a human being, you are a limitless possibility. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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136.If you are too serious about everything, you will only know thoughts and emotions. You will not know life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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137.If you face situations that you do not know how to deal with, there are many possibilities. That’s when you can really explore life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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138.When you laugh at someone, you laugh at creation and the creator. It is not out of joy – it is out of sickness. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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139.Consciousness is not a bunch of thoughts or certain level oof understanding – it’s a boundless dimension. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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140.Gratitude is not attitude. Gratitude is something that flows out of you when you are overwhelmed by what has been given to you. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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141.It is not about how much you do. The only question is, are you giving yourself totally. Are you a full-on life. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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142.How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility and joyfulness. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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143.The very life within you is longing to be joyful because joyfulness is the nature of the source of creation. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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144.If you are willing to strive, there is a way to go beyond all the limitations that are considered human.

Sadhguru Quotes


145.Meditation is the only way to freedom from stress as it is a dimension beyond the mind. All the stress and struggle are of mind. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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146.If your illusions are shattered, it means you are getting closer to reality. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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147.External dimensions of life can bring you comfort and convenience. only the inner dimension can bring fulfilment. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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148.The biggest issue with human beings is they do not know how to handle their thoughts and emotions.

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149.One who does not touch the stillness within and without will invariably get lost in the movement.

Sadhguru Quotes


150.Love is not what you do. Love is what you are. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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151.If you live joyfully until the last moment, you don’t have to worry about the death. – that will also be a joyful process. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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152.For someone who is intelligent, everything that happens is an opportunity. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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153.Health is not just absence of disease but a wholeness that involves physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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154.Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life.

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155.If you are miserable when alone, you are obviously in bad company. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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156.Our lives are connected. How healthy the plants and animals are today determines how healthy we will be tomorrow. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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157.Don’t be dead serious about life – its just a play. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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158.You earn a living to live well, not to kill yourself with stress. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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159.The more conclusion you have, the less you experience life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


160.I want the world to realize that turning inward is the greatest joy. In comparison, any other pleasure is a regressive step. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


161.In mediocrity there is confirmed but no joy. In going beyond your limits, there is Joy, but maybe no comfort. you have to choose. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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162.The body is designed to perform all the necessary activity, as long as you live, if you keep it well.

Sadhguru Quotes


163.Just ask yourself- what do you really want of life? That is the direction you should go. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


164.I want every human being on the planet to blossom into a divine possibility. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


165.Only what you perceive, you know- the rest is all imagination. yoga is the science of enhancing perception. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


166.To seek means to have an active intelligence. you never stop learning. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


167.Intellect is penetration. Devotion is inclusion. Devotion is deeper dimension of intelligence.

Sadhguru Quotes


168.Your life is ticking away. Its time to focus on what is truly worthwhile. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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169.It is the fire of devotion which sets a human being free from the dualities of life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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170.Yesterday lives only in your mind. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


171.Whatever you are going though, if you are conscious about it and do your sadhana, it will fix itself.

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172.If you know how to handle your thoughts and emotions, there will be no such things as anxiety, stress, or tension for you. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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173.Don’t let the past decide your future. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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174.The main cause of depression in the world today is too much eating, not enough physical activity.

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175.Whatever things you gather in your life should not determine who you are. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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176.If you don’t know what you are talking about, the best thing is to shut up. Silence will breed wisdom.

Sadhguru Quotes


177.Yoga is not about twisting your body or standing or your head. It is a technology of wellbeing.

Sadhguru Quotes


178.Devotion keeps your emotion at the highest level of sweetness -an ecstatic way to enlightenment.

Sadhguru Quotes


179.If you want to be healthy and well, the first step is to pay attention to what is happening in your system. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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180.Our presence here is just for a short period of time. We do not have to shorten it by fighting each other. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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181.For your own physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, you need to become playful in all areas of life.

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182.Emotion has the power to transform. It can drag you into gutter or take you to the highest peak of consciousness. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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183.Words and meanings exist only in human minds -sound exists in the universe. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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184.When things go wrong in life, that’s when it shows who you are. When things go well, everyone can pretend to be fantastic. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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185.If you are willing, every moment of your life can be a fantastic experience. Just inhaling and exhaling can be a tremendous love affair. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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186.If you are alone and getting bored, obviously you are in bad company. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


187.The fundamental of the spiritual process is that you stop all assumptions. What I know, I know.  What I do not know, I do not know. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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188.If your liberation becomes your only priority, everything will open up for you. Enlightenment won’t happen on the side. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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189.Your body remembers every smell, taste, sight, touch, and sound. Yoga can make this perception work to your advantage. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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190.Consciousness is the source of who we are. Our thoughts, intensions, and actions are a consequence of that. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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191.In reality there is only now. If you know how to handle this moment, you know how to handle eternity.

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192.The only reason people don’t know how to stay joyful is they don’t have the needed know-how.

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193.Human beings suffer their own memory and imagination, which means they suffer that which does not exist. (Sadhguru Quotes )

Sadhguru Quotes


194.Irritation, anger, hate, and rage are just progressions. If you feel the mildest sense of irritation, that’s what you need to work on. (Sadhguru Quotes ) (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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195.The important thing is not that people love you but you are loving. (Sadhguru Quotes ) (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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196.Discipline does not mean control. It means having the sense to do exactly what is needed. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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197.Unleash your desire; limit is not to the limited. In the boundness of the desire is your ultimate nature.

Sadhguru Quotes


198.Do not take this body for granted -it is not going to be there forever. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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199.Spirituality means no more illusions – you see everything the way it is. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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200.Only because people have not realized the immensity of being human, they think they have to be led by some other force. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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201.We know how to go to the moon, we know how to explore mars, but we still do not know how to live sensibly upon this planet. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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202.If you activate your spine, it can open up a completely different dimension of living for you. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


203.When you think, think with definite purpose. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


204.The way you breathe is the way you think. The way you think is the way you breathe. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


205.Life has empowered us to experience the world, brought colour into existence, and above all, it is the light within that liberates us. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


206.If you become aware of how many living beings are giving their lives to sustain yours, you will eat with enormous gratitude. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


207.The body is a machine that gets better with use. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


208.Devotion is not dissection of life but a total embrace. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


209.Weather you can perform like someone else or not is not the point. The question is, do you explore your full potential? (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


210.Time and space are just projections of your consciousness. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

Sadhguru Quotes


211.Your brain need not deteriorate with age. With simple yoga practices, you keep enhancing.

Sadhguru Quotes


212.The beauty of life lies not in what you get or have but in how you are.

Sadhguru Quotes


213.I want you to know the joy and fulfilment of offering something that touches and transforms lives.

Sadhguru Quotes


214.Making assumptions about something that you don’t know is a sure way to remain ignorant.

Sadhguru Quotes


215.Fear and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist.

Sadhguru Quotes


216.There is only one calamity: ignorance. And there is only one solution: Enlightenment.

Sadhguru Quotes


217.The Spiritual process is not based on scripture, philosophy, or dead tradition – it is living thing.

Sadhguru Quotes


218.Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient.

Sadhguru Quotes


219.A Guru is not someone who holds a torch for you, he is the torch.

Sadhguru Quotes


220.Being blissful is not a goal by itself. It is just a good condition to make life’s journey.

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221.Learning is always a joyful process, unfortunately, schooling today is not. Time for change.

Sadhguru Quotes


222.A society that does not respect and care of its women cannot progress and prosper, may the feminine blossom around the world.

Sadhguru Quotes


223.When you eat, you take in a part of earth. How we treat the planet is how we treat our own bodies.

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224.For effective functioning in the world, knowledge is not the main factor, but clarity of perception.

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225.Devotion is different form of intelligence. What you cannot perceive though intellect, you can perceive through devotion.

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226.In yoga, depression is handled at the level of body, mind, and energies. Vibrant and balanced, you will be naturally be blissful.

Sadhguru Quotes


227.If you are concerned about the world, the first thing you need to do is transform yourself into joyful being.

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228.There is oneness in existence and uniqueness in all beings. The essence of spirituality is to recognise and enjoy this.

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229.Positive thinking means looking only at one side of life, you may ignore the other side, but the other side will not ignore you.

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230.Being on the spiritual path means understanding that the source of your trouble and source of your wellbeing are within you.

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231.Technologies for inner wellbeing are key today because as our outer possibilities increase, our inner vacuum become more apparent.

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232.If you want to get involved but not entangled, volunteering is a powerful tool. You should make use of it, wherever you are.

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233.Decision should not be in terms of what you like or not, but in terms of what works.

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.234.Do not bother about Mukti (liberation). Only concern yourself about your limitations, and how to erase them.

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235.The basic virtue of any human being is to be true to yourself.

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236.Only if you are peaceful and joyful, can you really enjoy the world you live in.

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237.The body is just a loan from mother earth, one day you have to repay the loan.

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238.You see the world because it is reflected in your mind. But the mind never reflects the self.

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239.Every cell in your body is working for your wellbeing. If you are in tune with your system, you will be naturally healthy.

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240.The spiritual process is like a journey -constant change. Always new terrain.

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241.No one has ever achieved anything truly significant in any sphere of life without being absolutely devoted to what they are doing.

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242.The spiritual path is a journey from the bondage of boundaries to boundlessness.

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243.You cannot grasp the source of existence, but you can merge with it. That is the nature of devotion.

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244.Guilt is socially cultivated emotion, a poison directed towards yourself.

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245.Your mind being full or you being mindful is not the same as being consciousness. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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246.If you want your body and brain to work well, the first thing is to become joyful by your own nature.

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247.You need to know when to use logic and when not. All the beautiful things in life look stupid if you logically analyze them. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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248.There is no need to do what others re doing. You must do what truly matters to you. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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249.Only if you do something larger than yourself, will you feel forever fulfilled. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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250.Gratitude is not something you have to express. If you are filled with gratitude for all the things that contribute to your life, it will melt your very being. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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251.The intellect is like knife – the sharp, the better. As long as you know how to handle it. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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252.No one can achieve wellbeing through someone else’s suffering. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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253.This moment, how joyful you are within yourself determines the quality of your life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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254.It does not matter what the stars say. Once you have come here as human being, you are suppose to be master of your life. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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255.Joys come and go like a pleasant breeze. It’s the miseries that stick in you like thorns – until you realize that it’s all your doing. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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256.Life is at ease. Only the mind can be at tension. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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257.The more you know of any aspect, the better you can handle it. This goes for yourself too. When you know everything that you know, it is called realization. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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258.Your experience of life does not depend on who or what is around you but on how you are. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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259.No one can cause mental pain to you. It is you -in reaction to something that happens around you.

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260.Life is Magic. Because you got trapped in the limitations of your logic, you are not experiencing the magic. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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261.The choice is either you fix yourself or you try to fix the truth. With one you will attain to the highest, with the other you turn into trash. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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262.A large percentage of what is happening in the mind is just mental diarrhea – running compulsively all the time. (Sadhguru Quotes )

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263.All through life, your physical body will age. But your energy body need not age – you can keep like it was just born. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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264.People are lazy because they do not know how to rest. If you are restful, you are ready for activity.

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265.For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure -just lessons to be learned on the way.

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266.If you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind and emotion, your health, wellbeing, and joy- everything will be taken care of. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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267.Pure perception means clarity. Perception laced with imagination means confusion. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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268.If you do what you like with 100% involvement, what you don’t like, you must do with 200% involvement. That’s breaking limitations. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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269.You can not fix the past, but you can create a distance with it. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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270.Everything in existence is a dynamic motion. Either move with it or rise above it. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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271.Thinking is just a recycling of data that you have gathered in the past. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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272.Do not get into patterns of life. The little things you do every day, the way you think, feel, understand, and act – do it a little differently today. See how it feels. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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273.Devotion is highest form of intelligence. When you overflow with sweetness of devotion, then you function at your best. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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274.Your thoughts and emotions are the drama that you create in your mind. You must be able to direct it the way you wish. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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275.If you gain a little more mastery over your mind, body, and life energies, you can become the master of your destiny. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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276.Responsibility means being able to respond to the best of your ability to whatever situation you may face in your life. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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277.Don’t let your thoughts and emotions work against you. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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278.If you treat your tools, including your own body mind, with reverence, every activity will be a joyful and fruitful process. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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279.If there is total clarity, there is no need for courage, because clarity will carry you across.

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280.Nothing wonderful is ever going to happen unless we actively make it happen. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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281.Confidence without clarity is always a disaster. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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282.What you need is not compassion but acceptance and respect. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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283.If you understand that desire is an endless process, it is a game you can play joyfully. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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284.If you are conscious that you are mortal, you would do nothing other than what is absolutely needed for you and everyone around you. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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285.Whatever your goal I life, unless you develop a great urgency, what could be near will be far away.

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286.You earn a living to live well, not to kill yourself with stress. (Sadhguru Quotes About Life)

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287.Transformation is when who you are is not determined anymore by other people’s opinions or other people’s presence.

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288.Problems may be complex, solutions can be simple.

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289.The conclusions that you make in your mind can seriously impede your ability to experience life.

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290.Whether you can perform like someone else or not is not the point. The question is, are you exploring the full depth of your potential.

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291.Take away the friction within you to perform at your best.

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292.The simplest contribution that you can do to all around you is at least be joyful.

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293.The more you identify with your mind, the further away you are from yourself.

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294.When the wellbeing of others is above your own, a different kind of strength, a strength that will carry you through life and beyond, will become available.

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295.Success will come easy once you function at your full potential.

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296.The thirst to be boundless is not created by you; it is just life longing for itself.

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297.Learning to live joyfully with things you do not like is a huge lesson in life.

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298.Joy is not achievement. It should be the natural ambience of your life.

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299.If your seeking becomes intense enough, knowing is not far away, because what you ultimately seeking is within you.

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300.Stress is not a natural part of life. Stress comes from your inability to manage your own system.

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301.Compassion is not about kindness but an all-inclusive passion.

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302.What you do is up to you, but you must do it consciously. That is what it means to be human.

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303.Joy is not an achievement. It should be the natural ambience of your life.

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304.Whatever comes our way, let us ensure that we handle it gracefully.

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305.If you do not know how to handle yourself, then you are handling everything else only by accident.

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306.It is when a crisis hits you that what kind of a human being you are becomes most valuable.

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307.A human being who is joyful responsible, with a little bit of sense, can deal with challenging situations much better than those who are dead serious about everything.

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308.Give your best now, don’t save it for later.

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309.You can use this mind either to create wellbeing or misery for yourself. Everyone has this choice.

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310.Make yourself in such a way that you are always looking at how to make someone else’s life beautiful.

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311.The more you become conscious of your actions, the more you gain control over what happens within you and, to a large extend, around you.

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312.If you touch the still core within yourself, you will touch the original nature of your existence.

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313.This is the one commitment everyone must make: always be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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314.Challenging times are not necessarily a calamity. These are times when human beings have to rise beyond their limitations and ride these challenges to become a glorious generation.

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315.This is the time to get yourself into top gear, because the way we were doing things in the past may not work in the future.

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316.If you turn inward, you will find a space where there is solution for everything.

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317.If you are constantly facing new situations, it means you are living a life of growth and great possibilities.

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318.Whatever you are doing, however big or small, do it to the best of your capabilities.

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319.Fear, anger and hatred essentially comes from a lack of perspective as to what life is all about.

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320.With every action we perform, with every thought and emotion we generate, we can create a better situation around us.

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321.Love is a quality. Love is not what you do. Love is what you become.

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322.Respond consciously to become a master of your own destiny.

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323.Life is a limited amount of time and energy. Let this be used for maximum impact..

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324.If you are a little playful with life, every moment is a celebration.

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325.If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become immense.

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326.People who are bursting with life do not need a purpose to live. Life is a purpose unto itself.

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327.If your idea of trust is that others must behave as you expect, that is not trust -that is cunning.

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328.There is no need to be perfect, but are you a constant stiving to be better. That is all that matters.

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329.There is no point in making yourself believe everything is going to be all right. In doing your best, you can leave this world a better place.

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330.Destiny is not a fixed destination -it is what you create.

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331.Confidence cannot be a substitute for clarity.

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332.The only thing that stands between you and your wellbeing is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than within.

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333.The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, melt and become part of the wind and earth; become part of everything, as creation intends.

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334.Become consciously ordinary. So ordinary that you become extraordinary.

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335.Feel blissful all the time from within.

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336.What you think of yourself and what the world thinks of you is only socially relevant. Existentially, only the core experience of life matters.

Sadhguru Quotes


337.When there are troubles within us, we must address them head-on. Do not look for distractions -distraction is not solution.



338.Competitors are not enemies. They are people who keep reminding you of your own shortcomings. Your quality control.

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339.No one is expecting you to be perfect, but are you are you a constant striving to be better. That is all that matters.

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340.You are stressed because you have not engineered your won system to function friction-free.

Sadhguru Quotes


341.Welcome the competition whenever it comes.

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342.If you are well engineered form within, there will be no stress.

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343.Do not settle for a limited experience of life. Where there is a limitation, there is a possibility of breaking it.

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344.Wherever you are, whatever you do – this is the time for you to rise and show what you are made of.

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345.If you are bursting with life, you are a natural living adventure.

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346.If you gain enough mastery over yourself and determine the nature of your experience of life, you can also largely determine when and how you shall die.

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347.You do not know how a blessing will come. That is why you must keep yourself open and treat every aspect of life as a blessing.

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348.Make every aspect of life into a blessing for yourself.

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349.Make your emotions sweet to climb the highest peaks of life.

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350.The depth of your attention determines the depth of your experience. If your attention is profound, your experience of life is profound.

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351.There is not use to life. We value life for its beauty, exuberance, profoundness, and intensity, not for its usefulness.

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352.If you look at yourself as a machine, you have brains, you have a body – but grace is the lubrication. Without the necessary lubrication, even a great machine cannot function well.

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353.The less rigid your personality, the more powerful your presence.

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354.If you do not think too much of yourself, you become available to grace.

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Sadhguru Quotes.



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