111 Best Motivational Short Quotes to Inspire you at every Phase of your Life

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Best Motivational Short Quotes

All of us feel demotivated occasionally which leads to inactivity, everyone faces this kind of phase. this is the time when we desperately need the motivation to get going and achieve the momentum that is lost. Short Motivational quotes such as these are not less than a true friend, a wellwisher, or a guide. this is why we are bringing the best short motivational quotes of all time to raise your moral and seek the essential clarity. so lets get started with hope that these quotes are definitely going to help you in such times irrespective of circumstances and get you back on track.

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1. It’s not about success but a courageous journey that matters.

Best Motivational Short Quotes


2.Forget shy and lie, Look into the universe eye to eye.


3.Achieving a goal is great but enjoying the journey is extraordinary.


4.Believe – u are, u can, and u will do it, always.


5.Dream, chase, grab, and unfold.


6.Unwind your soul to sail through storms.


7.Every dark tunnel has a bright end called ‘light’.


8.Success is directly proportional to attitude.


9.Wanna balance life? Just keep moving with the ride.


10.If it’s valuable for you and everyone, just keep doing.


11.Forget the usage of ‘ i can’t’ and focus on YES I CAN.


12.Take a closer look at ‘IMPOSSIBLE’, the word explains everything itself.


13.Set new goals, dream big irrespective of your age, it’s just a number.


14.You are a rainbow for yourself and the world surrounds you.


15.Don’t spend life finding happiness, manifest happiness.



16. I am positive, I am inspired, my inner guide is guiding me.


17.Don’t underestimate the power of values and ethics.


18.Don’t be indebted to passing your day without ‘SMILE’.


19.Always do the things which you think you can’t.


20.It is not about where you come from, it’s all about where you want to go.


21.It’s never too late to become what you always wanted by being you.


22.Stay closer to the things that make you feel alive.


23.You get a manifold of what you give.


24.Don’t look for a place with beauty, fill it with beauty.


25.Happiness enters from a door called willingness.


26.Happiness doesn’t come by chance, it comes by choice.


27.Life changes in a positive manner when you allow it to change.


28.Don’t limit yourself or anyone, let’s spread ‘limitlessness’.


29.Be the change to see the change u always dreamt of.


30.It’s not about what you ‘plan’ but being adaptive in overcoming the spoilers of the plan.


31.Doing small things in a great way is the first step in doing great things.


32.Don’t live life just to survive, live it to thrive.


33.You are ‘MORE THAN ENOUGH’ the way you have been created.


34.Yes, time flies but the pilot that makes it fly is YOU’, fly wisely.


35.Love is contagious, spread it as much as you can.


36.Don’t wait for the right time, make it the right time.


37.You can achieve everything if you have just one thing.- unwavering focus.


38.If you are happy inside it will reflect brightly outside.


39.Ideas expressed in words are so powerful to change your world.


40.Make sure you are living a life that can be a role model for others.


41.A champion is not defined by wins but how he handles defeats.


42.MOTIVATION comes when you do things as you plan.


43.If you are facing the SUNSHINE, you don’t need to worry about the shadow.


44.Love is everywhere, hatred has no place.


45.Every damn moment is an opportunity to take a fresh start.


46.Embrace and remember everything that made you SMILE.


47.Dream big, achieve big, and make memories that last forever.


48.Everythings which is materialized in reality was once just an imagination.


49.Do whatever you want to do but with all your heart. 


50.What you can think, YOU CAN ACHIEVE.

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51.The term LIMIT is nothing but a self-imposed barrier in achieving LIMITLESS SUCCESS.


52.Tough times are bound to end for the tough minds who can see what’s invisible.


53.Problems ain’t there to take you downline, problems are those scattered fine lines which serve you as a bunch of guidelines.


54.Your day will come when the people who deny recognizing you start telling everyone how they met you.


55.The universal truth that lies inside shall reflect outside.


56.Always take a courageous start to get a heartwarming Finish.


57.Don’t seek attention, seek excellence, attention will follow.


58.A thing planned to be done tomorrow can be done right now.


59.Seek clarity regarding your priorities, to rise as a winner in the majority.


60.It’s not about how easy or difficult it is going to be, it’s all about how worthy it is.


61.Never let your intelligence affect your true sense.


62.Imperfections are nothing but blessings to improve each day.


63.Don’t look for a substitute for hard work instead combine it with smart work.


64.What you consume though your senses impact your action and its consequences.


65.Strive for awesomeness to witness greatness.


66.Dreaming of becoming like someone is like wasting your true self-worth.


67.Keep on marching towards your destination, forget anything else.


68.Forgive who hurt you but don’t forget.



69.Embrace the most sophisticated as well as the most complicated machine you are.


70.Yes, it’s YOU who can DO it.


71.Impossible is for the lazy, all possibilities are for the one who is willing to take action.


72.Engage yourself in Mindful hustle to become a diamond and build an amazing Castle.


73.When nothing falls right and everyone left, this is the time to express your true self and give it your best.

74.Don’t spend time proving them wrong, instead prove that you were right.


75.Good things happened to those who kept their saw sharpened. 


76.No guts, no results.


77.Your life is what you teach to the world, ensure it is Motivating.


78.If your life is screwed, be brave enough to clear the mess and create a renewed view. 


79.Let the POSITIVE ATTITUDE be your best friend.


80.Dream big, pray bigger, and achieve better.


81.When everyone takes the U-TURN, it’s time to leave no stone unturned.


82.A true fighter fights till the last droplet of his blood.


83.If you want it, work for it and no one can stop you from getting it.


84.Whatever you are today, be better than yesterday.


85.What you go through is the pathway to grow through.


86.Do it with all your mind, body, and soul, otherwise don’t do it.


87.He believed he could, and he did it the way he imagined.


88.Don’t forget your past, live in the present, and plan for the future.


89.A hard battle fought and lost is better than a battle not participated.


90.If it matters to you and for everyone around you, you will do it.


91.Learning is not a defined process, it’s a journey, which even wisest minds have to explore.


92.A success-oriented person is the one who invests in his learnings and growth.


93.It’s okay if you fall several times, but you gotta stand tall the very next moment.


94.Be happy, be crazy, be bold, be bright, BE YOU.


95.Don’t underestimate yourself, you are instinctively equipped to do extraordinary things.


96.You are stronger than your mind has ever imagined.


97.You must lift yourself while you are trying to lift others. Best Motivational Short Quotes


98.You are AWESOME just the way you are. Best Motivational Short Quotes


99.It’s okay to slow down, breathe, take a few steps back to take a roaring long jump towards the goal. Best Motivational Short Quotes


100.Take it easy, don’t rush like a fool, be in the moment to shine as Supercool. Best Motivational Short Quotes


101.Nothing lasts forever, This too shall pass, keep moving forward, never stop dreaming. Best Motivational Short Quotes


102.Work hard, stay humble, enjoy the little things, the best is yet to come. Best Motivational Short Quotes


103.A calm sea never made a skilled sailor. Best Motivational Short Quotes


104.Never raise your voice nor keep on baffling, instead keep improving and shorten your argument. Best Motivational Short Quotes


105.It’s not about just looking at things, it’s about seeing and feeling the things. Best Motivational Short Quotes


106.It doesn’t matter how badly you fall, what matters is how fast you wake up and bounce back. Best Motivational Short Quotes


107.Live the life you dreamed, life is an AWESOME process which helps you in achieving those dreams. Best Motivational Short Quotes


108.Don’t live life like just another creature, LIVE IT LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. Best Motivational Short Quotes


109.For someone, Life is amazing, for others it is messy, it’s all about what you think of it and makes of it. Best Motivational Short Quotes


110.All you need is love, so love the all things that you do. Best Motivational Short Quotes


111.One of the keys to happiness is realizing that happiness lies in acceptance. Best Motivational Short Quotes


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